Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well yesterday was pretty good day. They did a memorial for Jose in the JROTC room. And they deciated it to him. And i was with my cousin and my friend. Pretty Good day. So yeah i want school to be over and summer to being!!! And i wanna watch Toy Story 3. Hopefully me and my boyfriend go on friday:). Ummm let's see i have no idea what to write about football it's boring already. Anyways football uhhh i don't know what to write. But the football team is practing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So yesterday was kinda bored day. We didn't do anything but take some books too the text book room. So anyways summer is coming. Wooooo i am so happy. Can't wait gonna have a blast :D. So football ummmm i'm thinking of what to write about. Uhhh i really don't know what to write. I do know people that are trying out for football. I did learn about football compare to before. Because i didn't know anything like nothing i didn't even get the point of football. But now i do. So i'll be going to the football games and i'll be cheering haha.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well just here in 1st period bored. Lawyer isn't here. So yeah i'm kinda bored. I'm sitting next too Anthony, Javier, Jane, and Jose. Uhhhh i want school to be over. So anyways i'm going to ask Jose a question. He is number 21. He plays safety or wide receiver. I asked him what do you think before your playing a game. He said " I just stay in the zone". He feels bad when he loses

Friday, June 4, 2010


So i'm here in 1st period and it's lame. Man we were playing cards and lawyer said to stop. Man well let's see what to do about football. Hmmm i am gonna ask Jason some questions. I asked him why he likes football He said "Keeps me in shape something i'm good at". I also asked him how much does he beach he said 245. I also asked him when he gets ready for a game he takes it serious no messing around all he think about is winning! I also asked him whens his playing in the game he really doesn't think whats going on he just says not to make a mistake.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well what a day we didn't do much just talk. Football omg i kinda got bored we should have done basketball i like it more and more each day hahaha. Since the lakers are playing. Well i do know that girls can't play football like guys but we play flag football. I remember cause in middle school we would always play. And also in verudgo they do it the end of the year. Junior girls vs senior girls.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday June 2

Well i'm here in the library again and i don't know what to do. The teacher said it was the last day so tommorrow i guess we have to go to the class that's lame. Well anyways i'm here with my sancho sharon and the hamster jane:). So i don't know what to do! Well i asked Alberto if he likes football alot and he does. He likes to play kick off or wide receiver. So thats pretty much it. Tommorrow i'll know more.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I don't know what to do. I already wrote so much of football. I'm just here with my hamster daughter Jane:). Omg she saw me with my contacts lol. Hahaha so i don't know what to do uhhh that's lame. Well i asked Abi if she likes football. He said he isn't a major fan but yeah he does like it. His favorite position is running back. He tryed out he made the team but he had to quit cause he had personal problems. I think that pretty much it.