Friday, April 30, 2010

catching up

Well right now im here in 1st period trying to catch up blogging. Well football is hard to understand for me. I'm not much of a football fan. I'm learning much by reading and by the football player Jose. I did learn about the passing play. You huddle the quaterback tells his teammate. The kind of passing or running play they will do. And the will memorize all the plays that the offense uses. And th short passes I learned that every team should know how to complete short pass plays. Also about the pro set is the most common formation in the NFL. And the last one is deep passes. The teams need to get downfield quickly.

first one

So far little by little i'm learning more and more i still don't know as much that i need to i'm not too much of a fan of football but maybe later on i will start to like it. When we are in our groups we just talk about the teams and how they play. Me, Brian and Jose are doing research and i think that's good because i'll get to learn more. Plus Jose is a football player he knows alot well pretty much everything about football so i'll learn even more.

Almost done

Didnt have time to do them everyday so im finshing in school. Well football is getting interesting too me.Jose didn't tell me anything cause he didnt come today. But Brian, Sharona,Jane,Mercesdes help alot. I keep knowing more about the game. I didnt know what was the point of football. I thought it was every boring and if i would go to a game i'll cheer when everyone does. But im getting to know more!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I learned about the quarterback back. I first i would always call him the guy that throws the ball to the guy thats suppose to get it. I kinda don't know about football much! And i also learned about the wide receiver. I Leanred there is 3-5 wide receivers. Tight end they block they catch. The running back they run the ball and the full back also. And a full back the same thing as quarterback. The line men they block the quarterback so he could get a pass. I learned much about them i didn't know anything before.